Again this season, my mom (pictured below) is sharing her favorite recipes on my blog. While the plates she creates change from year to year, one cookie is always in the mix. It's the small, round one that looks like a mini snowball.
I call them tea cakes, but I see on mom's recipe card they were once labeled "Russian tea balls." Whatever the name, they're delicious. Mom's been using the recipe card for so many years, it's almost illegible. That's a true sign of a winner!
Scroll down on this entry to see the directions. If you need help on that second card, it says:
Shape dough into small balls. Bake on ungreased baking sheet. 400 degrees. Bake 8 min. Roll in powdered sugar after they cooled.
Please share your family's favorites! Just snap a photo of the recipe card and another one of the baked treats. Send the pictures to me at and I'll add your recipes to the mix.
Merry Christmas!