Games to Play in the Car on Your Summer Road Trip!

Get your Minnesota Bucket List ready for this summer's vacation road trip. The Split Rock Lighthouse, The Giant Ball of Twine, Voyager National park and more. AAA is predicting a 15 percent drop in the total number of trips taken this summer because of the coronavirus, but only a 3 percent drop in the number of road trips.

So, when you're in the car,

Click here for 10 games to play in the car

The License Plate Game

I Spy

Slug Bug or Punch Buggy

The Memory Game

The Alphabet Game....I always liked our version. Say go, and your have to find an "A" and announce the word you see on a sign or car somewhere close. On to the letter "b".....looks for exit signs for the letter "x." Z's are hard to find.

Have a safe trip and remember there is so much to see in Minnesota. For great ideas check our Explore Minnesota.

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