WATCH: Golf Ball Lands On Alligator And Brave/Crazy Golfer Grabs It

In golf, if your ball lands someplace less than ideal, like in a sand trap or in water, you have the option of taking a penalty stroke and trying the shot again, or you can attempt to hit it where it lies. Well one golfer in Florida must have really not wanted the penalty stroke because he risked his life to avoid it.

Kyle Downes was playing at the Coral Oaks Golf Course in Cape Coral in his home state of Florida when he encountered an alligator on the course - something that isn't too rare down South, but what was unique about his situation was that his ball actually landed on the animal. Then, rather than smile at hilarity of it all and move on, Kyle chose to grab his ball off the beast's back.

According to NBC2 News, Kyle's brother, who filmed it all, said they were not antagonizing the animal. You can hear him on the video warn his sibling that the gator might whip him with his tail. Thankfully, Kyle got his ball and wasn't attacked.

The alligator is actually known to golfers at the club - they've even named it Charlie. He is said to be about nine to ten feet long and clearly can move very quickly.

Obviously, no one should ever approach an alligator.

Photo: Getty Images

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