Jeff Olsen

Jeff Olsen

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SEE: New eats at Target Field

Nicely played, Kent Hrbek. Take a look at what's on the menu at Target Field. This is Hrbek’s Triple Sausage Sampler Bloody Mary: A bloody mary with all the fixings and 3 varieties of @kramarczuks sausages. #TwinsFood #Burp

Here's what Forrest Gump would eat at the game. They call it a summer shrimp boil: @4BellsMpls peel & eat shrimp, @ButcherandBoar sausage, red potatoes, corn and seasoning.

And here's Andrew Zimmern's spin on Korean barbecue. Find the Sloppy Ko at @AZCanteen with Korean-style beef, kimchi and a boiled egg on on flatbread.

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